Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bus Law Vocab

Standard 1 - Ethics
ethics - system of morale principles
unethical conduct - not acting on morale principals
illegal conduct - doing something against the law
computer ethics - doing the right thing on the computer

Standard 2 - Origin of Law
common law - law of the people at the time of the case
$ case law - laws made from decisions from higher courts
$ court decisions - judgement
due process - everything was done how it is supposed to
statutory law - law based on statutes
constitution - basis for US laws
administrative law - law set by administrator
Bill of Rights - first 10 amendments to constitution
precedent - following in line of higher courts decisions

Standard 3 - Court Systems
jurisdiction (original/appellate) - power to decide a case
grand and petit juries - impartial citizens used to decide cases
juvenile court - court for minors
appellate court - reveiws concepts of law
State courts - makes decisions in the state
Federal courts - stuff between states

Standard 4 – Procedural Law
plaintiff - offender
defendant - person accused
prosecutor - plaintiffs atorney
litigation - claim made against defendant
arbitration - binding mediation
mediation - unbinding decisions
conciliation - reconcile disputing parties
civil law - for torts
$ complaint - spoken word against someones act
$ preponderance of evidence - looking at evidence before you are supposed
$ judgment - punishment
$ civil law remedies - damages
criminal law - usually jail time maybe prison
$ arrest - seizing
$ proof beyond a reasonable doubt - evidence needed for conviction
$ verdict - jurys decision
$ criminal law penalties - jail or prison damages community service
Statute of Limitations - limits statutes
damages - awarded compensation
$ compensatory - makes up for injury
$ punitive - punishment damages
$ nominal - really small amounts of damages

Standard 5 – Criminal Law
crime - offense against society
felony - worse crime
misdemeanor - lesser crime
infraction - tiny crime
forgery - signing someone elses name
embezzlement - pourposely misrepresent funds
Standard 5 - continued
fraud - misleading on pourpose
perjury - making false statements under oath
insanity - mentally incompetent
self-defense - defending your life

Standard 6 – Tort Law
lible - written slander
slander - oral defamation
invasion of privacy - invading your privacy
defamation - injury to reputation
strict liability - liability no matter what
proximate cause - you did half the cause
assumption of risk - you should have assumed the risk
tort - personal wrongdoing
negligence - being irresponsible
$ duty of care - your duty to care for other people
$ breach of duty - not doing your duty
$ breach caused injury - your breach caused an injury
$ actual injury - injury in any way
reasonable person standard/test - what would a reasonable person do
proximate cause - when you cause half of the accident or injury
injunction - not able to do something legally

Standard 7 - Contract Laws
classification of contracts
$ valid/void/voidable - not legally workable
$ unenforceable - not able to be enforced
$ express/implied - assumed contract
$ bilateral/unilateral - one or two person contract
$ written/oral - written or spoken
offer and acceptance - offered to someone who accepts
genuine agreement - offer and acceptance go smooth
consideration - considering the outcome of the contract
capacity - being able to carry out your contract
legality - if the contract is legal
pledge/gifts - not yours anymore was given away
benefit/detriment - something going against you or for you
assignment/delegation - something you need to do but you pay someone else to do it
performance - completion of contract
nondisclosure - not written contract
misrepresentation - not represented in a truthful way
mistake - an honest "screw up"
duress - intentionally making the contract unfair
undue influence - when someone is in a state of power and holds influence over contract holder
minors and contracts - contracts with minors are voidable
majority - more than half
Statute of Frauds - state law or federal law on frauds
discharged/terminated contracts - contracts no longer valid
breach of contract - not doing the contract
ratification - accepting a contract

Standard 8 - Sales/Consumer Laws
goods - anything material
real property - property you own
risk of loss - you have to assume the risk of your property being lost
Standard 8 - Sales/Consumer Laws - continued
shipment contract - an overseas contract
destination contract - a contract to get to a destination
identity theft - stealing money with someone soc security or credit card
expressed warranty - warranty given to you in writing
implied warranty - a warranty that comes with the goods
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) - the code on commercial property
usury - charge intrest above legal limit
consumer protection laws
$ bait and switch - false advertising to get people in the store
$ Truth in Lending Act - lending with truth
$ price fixing - fixing prices so they make more money
$ cease and desist - when they cease to desistence

Standard 9 - Agency/Employment Law
fiduciary - holding something for someone else
gratuitous - thankful
terms of agency - terms to be free
agent and principal (including duties) - people that associate
independent contractor - person who delegates building houses
justified discrimination - legal discrimination
unjustified discrimination - illegal discrimination
OSHA - occupation safety and hazard administration
equal employment acts - being fair to everyone in the employment feild
employee rights, conditions, benefits - should be good but often arent provided
unemployment compensation - giving money for those unable to work cause of accident
collective bargaining - bargaining collectively
garnishment - garner sauce for stuff

Standard 10 - Business Organizations
sole proprietorship - you proprietor it soley
partnership (limited/general) - when two people work together
corporation (private/public/non-profit) - big company
franchise - lots of big companys
stock (common/preferred) - shares of company
shareholder - anyone who owns stock
bankruptcy (Chapter 7/11/13)

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